About recovery using the bibleThis website is dedicated to giving God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit the credit for my recovery and to help others who are searching for the Power to get and stay sober from their addictions. Hi, my name is Stephanie W. and I am a believer in God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. By His grace and mercy I am a recovered alcoholic, an abstinent food addict, and a lovingly detached co-dependent. I have been in recovery since 1977. After I did the Big Book Step Study process, I started to have a quiet time each day which consisted of: reading the daily meditation from "The Upper Room"; doing the suggested Bible passages; writing a "Dear God" letter; praying and meditating on "God what do you want me to know about you?" |
After three years of doing this spiritual discipline, I had a “WHITE LIGHT EXPERIENCE WITH GOD. I then sincerely repented of my sins, asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, and committed my life to serving Him. He gave me the desire and the power to stay away from my life long addiction to using junk food and large quantities of food to numb my feelings and escape life.
I started working the steps out of the Big Book in 1998, with a step study sponsor and a supportive Big Book group. The format that was given to me to do the steps out of the Big Book is called the Hyannis method. This format, made me look at myself instead of blaming others for all the broken relationships, lost jobs, and failed attempts at being successful at anything. I saw how powerless I was to live a decent life, without God. I really got how “spiritually bankrupt” I was without making God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit the center of my life. From this insight, I made the admission that “WITHOUT GOD, I AM NOTHING.” From that point on, I started to live my life differently. I had what the Big Book calls “A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.” Everything in my life changed. I became convinced that “QUIET TIME WITH MY LORD”, was the most important action in my day. His Word from the Bible, was what I would live my life on. To be OBEDIENT to Him was my only goal in life. I felt He called me to go a Bible college to study the Bible. I went for one year. In that year I learned to read, study , and share with others, the truths found in the Bible. In that year I had a major healing in my emotional life. I had stayed back in second grade, because of immaturity. I know today it was from all the “junk” food I was filling my body with. I was “drunk” on the sugar, flour, and chemicals. I couldn’t concentrate, and for over 40 years I had felt “stupid”, and had not even tried to excel in school or jobs. I just gave up, thinking I was stupid. Jesus showed me in that year of study, that if I relied on Him, He would give me the wisdom to write the papers I thought I was incapable of. Jesus is always true to His word. Those papers were written by His grace, and I got A’s and B+’s. I then felt He called me out of the Bible college classroom to start the phone bridge Bible studies, which I did. I had the willingness and the confidence because of the emotional healing He had given me.
One of the the other ministries that I have been called to is that of Biblical Marriage. I was involved in a Bible study at a local church called “THE EXCELLENT WIFE”, by Martha Peace. From doing the Big Book step study process, I had to write a “sex ideal”, which I did. After doing “The Excellent Wife”, which is a study on what the Bible says about a “Christian marriage”, I knew I needed to write a new “sex ideal”, but this time using God’s ideal. I also knew I needed to study this book with a group of recovering women/men and to get their insights along with my own from the Holy Spirit. We read and study this book on Wednesdays 8-9 a.m. EST, We read a small section and share on it. The next week read another section. We are going very slowly through this book and asking the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and relationships. It has helped me to prioritize my life differently now; God is the most important relationship in my life, and then my husband.
God has given the bible4recovery ministry three new meetings to be led by “sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, and who have been in 12 step recovery for many years. Their meetings/days/times are listed above . We welcome them and their ministries with great gratitude, and encourage other sisters/brothers in Christ to join us in starting a meeting in an area of recovery that the Lord has led them to. IF INTERESTED IN STARTING A BIBLE STUDY OR A CHRISTIAN BOOK STUDY, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THIS WEB SITE AND I WILL GET BACK TO YOU IMMEDIATELY.
I welcome you to come to any or all the Bible studies we offer. Come either to the live groups, or listen on the call back numbers, which are listed above. If you feel the Bible study could be helpful to your recovery and walk with our Lord Jesus Christ, come join us, jump in and participate as much or as little as you want. Giving my life and will over to our Lord Jesus Christ has changed my life to one of peace and inner joy, and I pray that you have the same experience as I did.
If you want to get in touch with me, please leave a message on the Contact page.
If you'd like a copy of the Life Recovery Bible, send a request including your email on the Contact page.
Yours in Our Lord Jesus’ Service,
Stephanie W
God has given the bible4recovery ministry three new meetings to be led by “sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, and who have been in 12 step recovery for many years. Their meetings/days/times are listed above . We welcome them and their ministries with great gratitude, and encourage other sisters/brothers in Christ to join us in starting a meeting in an area of recovery that the Lord has led them to. IF INTERESTED IN STARTING A BIBLE STUDY OR A CHRISTIAN BOOK STUDY, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THIS WEB SITE AND I WILL GET BACK TO YOU IMMEDIATELY.
I welcome you to come to any or all the Bible studies we offer. Come either to the live groups, or listen on the call back numbers, which are listed above. If you feel the Bible study could be helpful to your recovery and walk with our Lord Jesus Christ, come join us, jump in and participate as much or as little as you want. Giving my life and will over to our Lord Jesus Christ has changed my life to one of peace and inner joy, and I pray that you have the same experience as I did.
If you want to get in touch with me, please leave a message on the Contact page.
If you'd like a copy of the Life Recovery Bible, send a request including your email on the Contact page.
Yours in Our Lord Jesus’ Service,
Stephanie W